frequently asked questions
When will my parcel arrive?
Usually the dispatch takes 2-4 working days after receipt of money. For payment methods such as advance payment, the processing time of the banks is important, we have no influence on this. If a desired option has been booked for a product, it can lead to a longer delivery time due to the processing time in the production. Please note the detailed article description.
do i receive a tracking number after a successful order?
Yes. After we have processed and checked the order internally, a tracking number is automatically sent to the shipping company after it has been handed over to the shipping service provider. It is possible that these messages may end up in your spam folder.
do i have a warranty claim in case of damage?
If there is a material defect, we will of course replace it immediately. Please note the conditions in our TOS.
is every mig manufactured in germany?
Absolutely! We are demonstrably certified.
how do i care my tradi?
Best in combination with the products of our MIG CLEANR series. There you can get a brass polish which will let your MIG TRADI shine in a new shine. Video instructions will follow shortly on the MIG Shisha YouTube channel.
what is the best way to clean my mig?
Best in combination with the products of our MIG CLEANR series. There you will find a stainless steel cleaner that will make your MIG TRADI shine in a new light. Video instructions will follow shortly on the MIG Shisha YouTube channel.
how does the return shipment work?
Please contact us exclusively by e-mail at the following address: support@mig-shisha.de - the support staff will contact you there. If there is a fault in the product or a shipment, you will receive a returned shipping label from us to send the package back to us.
who bears the shipping costs in case of a return shipment?
If there is a defect in the product, we will bear the shipping costs. However, we do not pay shipping costs in case of dislike or wrong order.
how will my money be refunded in the event of a return?
Das Geld wird immer auf dem Weg erstattet, wie die Zahlungsart von dir beim Kauf ausgewählt wurde.

You will receive a certificate of authenticity for every MIG you buy from us. This ensures that your MIG is not a fake.

Die Option MIG PROTECT kostet einmalig 20,- € und beinhaltet eine einjährige Austauschgarantie für die im Lieferumfang enthaltene Glasbowl, die jegliche Beeinträchtigung der Beschaffenheit der Bowl (wie z.B. Glassprung, Bruch, Kratzer, Verfärbung, etc.) umfasst.
Die Austauschgarantie kann von dem Käufer nur einmalig für die im ursprünglichen Lieferumfang enthaltene Glasbowl und nur innerhalb eines Jahres nach Erhalt der Ware geltend gemacht werden. Ein erneuter Austausch der Ersatzbowl ist von der Austauschgarantie nicht umfasst.
Die Austauschgarantie kann von dem Käufer nur einmalig für die im ursprünglichen Lieferumfang enthaltene Glasbowl und nur innerhalb eines Jahres nach Erhalt der Ware geltend gemacht werden. Ein erneuter Austausch der Ersatzbowl ist von der Austauschgarantie nicht umfasst.